Classifieds in Jobs in Needham, Peabody, Newton, Framingham and Waltham

Showing 10 of 23 results
244 Needham St, Newton, MA, Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Cần thợ Nail gấp. Majestic nail 244 Needham st Newton Upper Falls ( trong Plaza gần Starbucks, Marshals).
$ 1.00
419 Worcester Rd, Framingham, MA , Framingham, Massachusetts, United States
Tiệm Nails2000nspa ở Framingham đang cần thợ bột biết design, thợ biết làm dip và muốn học bột
$ 1.00
79 Lynnfield St, Peabody, MA , Peabody, Massachusetts, United States
Beautique Nails & Spa, Peabody  Em cần tìm thêm đồng đội vào team. Full-time/ part-time ctn, dip, bột.
$ 1.00
419 Worcester Rd, Framingham, MA , Framingham, Massachusetts, United States
Tiệm Nails2000nspa ở Framingham đang cần thợ làm everything, biết làm dip, bột acrylic, gel X
455 Moddy st, Waltham, Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Come and join us at Rose Nails, Waltham
$ 1.00
244 Needham st Newton Upper Falls, Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Cần thợ Nail gấp . Majestic nail 244 Needham st Newton Upper Falls ( trong Plaza gần Starbucks, Marshals.
210 Andover St, Peabody, MA , Peabody, Massachusetts, United States
Tiệm Deluxe Nails in Peabody đang cần thợ tcn, or thợ bột full time or part time
$ 1.00
134 Newbury St Suite I, Peabody, MA , Peabody, Massachusetts, United States
Hello moi nguoi, Tiem Lavish Nails & Spa Peabody dang can them tho Full Time, biet lam dip, acrylic,  gel X, design ...vv.
1271 Washington St, Newton, MA , Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Unique Nail in Newton can tim them dong doi biet lam tay chan nuoc , Dip , or bot , full time or part time deu duoc
871a Main St, Waltham, MA, Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
Tiem Waltham nails &spa  Cần thợ parttime cuối tuần 6-7-cn 
$ 1.00
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